Sunday 31 May 2015

Changed. What's make them change? How media was changed the field of mass communication?

Alice is here again. Today I feel like sharing some knowledge with you all which is about new media. We all have connection with new media daily, can says that we can't live without new media. We needs them to connect with the world, like now. New media allow me to write a blog as well as allowing you to read my blog. We can say that it has a very great impacts to us as well as the society.

Mass Communication
Mass communication is a study of how individual (company, public relation practitioner, media) deliver message through mass media to a large amount of people at the same time. People usually use it in newspaper, magazine, book publishing as well as broadcasting which is using for disseminating information, news and advertising. It is focusing on how’s the content of mass communication can persuades or otherwise affects the opinion, behavior, attitude, mindset of the people.

New Media
New media is a transformer from the traditional media which is all related to the internet and the interplay between technology, images and sound such as online commercial, online newspaper, online radio, blogs and so on. It is now used by every field to have more impact on mass communication. With the help of new media, everything can be done is short period and it save cost as well. For example, John has creator a group in Skype (an apps for video calling) so that he and his family can meet and chat through Skype even though they are far from each other. Besides that, new media has a great impact on society and people as well.

Introduction to how new media has changed the field of mass communication
Advertising is a publication which include information and details of a product. It aims to create awareness of people to the particular product. It usually publish on highway road board, building, bus stop station and so on. When new media exist, a lot of companies have chosen online advertising to replace the tradition method. Online advertising such as advertisement on Facebook, it always grabs our attention and we can access to the website as easy as just click it by our finger. This is way more effective and efficiency to reach their target audience and deliver the message of the product as well.

Public Relation
Public relations (PR) has to manage communication between an organization and its key publics to build, manage and sustain its positive image. Those day, PR has to send their newsletter or mews release to the journalism by letter sending. It takes time and money, and PR has to make sure every document that they send have to be timeliness. Development of new media has solved all this problem, PR can send their document to journalism through e-mail and journalism can receive it within few minutes. Moreover, PR can publish news release on their company official website to announce something such as new product has launched, press conference will be hold soon and so on.

A newspaper is a publication with containing news, information and advertising. It usually printed on low-cost paper and published daily or weekly. We earn money from selling it to public. However, recent developments on Internet has changed this tradition, it swift from traditional printed newspaper to online newspaper. Newspaper industry has their own website on Internet and they will share their news on it as well this can save the cost of printing and also can save the time which public can get update all the time.

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