Sunday 21 June 2015

You prefer shops physically or online shopping?

HI! Alice is here again! The whole world is now working hard to become a develop and modern country. Why would a company with a physical appear in market but they still create their own apps to allow people to download it in their phone? This is because technology is one of the important daily use in our life and it really helps us a lot. Therefore, to closer the distance between the company and public they use this tactic to hit their target costumers. I would take Hennes & Mauritz AB (H&M) as my example.

People nowadays would prefer online shopping to purchase their products because this is very easy and convenient. H&M has created an apps to allow the customer to do online shopping for their brand, this strategy can enhance people to go for their brand as well. H&M phone apps has very good planning for their customer. 

The first thing would appear when you first enter the apps is to select your country, they want to specify the customer is from which country so they can get prepared. For example, they have to change the money rate to Ringgit Malaysia (RM) so customer don't need to convert the money rate by themselves. After that, they have categorized their product so that the customer can easily find the product that they are interested in.

H&M is a multinational retail-clothing company which their clothes are suitable for everyone such as children, teenagers and adult (men and women). Family and working adults would like this kind of service. Working adults have spent their time for their works, they would not have leisure time to go for shopping thus they would online shopping when they have break time during their working time.

You can put your interested products into wish list when you don't want to purchase it immediately, and they would update up when the products in your wish list is having sales and promotion. Besides purchasing product, you can also give your feedback to them and ask question if you have any. 

H&M would view the rate of the app has been downloaded to know their apps is being popular or going downwards. By receiving the feedback from customer, they would improve themselves from their mistake. 

In my opinion, I love H&M products as well, I will always log in their app to update myself about their new and latest product. I prefer to stay at home and by few finger clicking I can purchase my clothes online. Afterwards, I just have wait for my clothes to arrive to my house, that's how simple is the H&M app works.

Thanks for spending your precious time to read my blog =)